The six short animated films from the Walt Disney Studios share themes of wintertime and Christmas. In "Once Upon a Wintertime" (1954), a young couple go ice skating, where they are joined by a pair of rabbits. "Santa's Workshop" (1932) shows Santa's little helpers working hard to finish making toys before Christmas. From the Silly Symphonies series, "The Night Before Christmas" is an animated retelling of the iconic poem, "A Visit from St. Nicholas". "Pluto's Christmas Tree" features the mischievous Chip and Dale taunting Pluto from within the branches of a Christmas tree. In "On Ice", Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald and Pluto all enjoy winter sports. "Donald's Snow Fight" pits Donald Duck against nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie in a snowball war.
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Movie Score
November 23, 1982,
Walt Disney
Animation, Family
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Movie Score
November 23, 1982,
Walt Disney
Animation, Family