The kidnapping of a prominent scientist, Ajay Saxena (Nazir Hussain) prompts the Chief of Secret Services (K.N. Singh) to assign flamboyant Agent Vinod (Mahendra Sandhu) to this case. While on this assignment, Vinod meets with Ajay's daughter, Anju (Asha Sachdev), who insists on assisting him. The duo are then further assisted by Chandu 'James Bond' (Jagdeep) and his gypsy girlfriend (Jayshree T.). The two couples will soon have numerous challenges thrust on them, and will realize that their task is not only very difficult but also life threatening.
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July 23, 1977,
Deepak Bahry
Mahendra Sandhu, Asha Sachdev, Iftekhar, Jagdeep, Jagdeep, Nazir Hussain
Action, Crime, Drama
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July 23, 1977,
Deepak Bahry
Mahendra Sandhu, Asha Sachdev, Iftekhar, Jagdeep, Jagdeep, Nazir Hussain
Action, Crime, Drama