After chasing the mysterious Kamen Rider Dark Ghost, who had suddenly appeared, Takeru Tenkuji arrives at a strange village full of historical figures. Attempting to gather 100 Eyecons, Alain’s dead brother Argos - Kamen Rider Dark Ghost - wishes to create the Ultimate Eyecon and turn everyone on Earth into ghosts. Meanwhile, Makoto’s father Daigo Fukami is seen in the village. Transforming into Kamen Rider Zero Specter, is Daigo an ally or an enemy?
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Movie Score
August 6, 2016,
Satoshi Morota
Shun Nishime, Ryosuke Yamamoto, Hayato Isomura, Ikki Sawamura, Hiroki Iijima, Ryô Kimura
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction
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Movie Score
August 6, 2016,
Satoshi Morota
Shun Nishime, Ryosuke Yamamoto, Hayato Isomura, Ikki Sawamura, Hiroki Iijima, Ryô Kimura
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction