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O Lamparina

1964 Comedy · 1h 44m
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After being deceived by a small time crook with a promise of a job for his family, Bernardino Jabá (Amácio Mazzaropi), his wife Marcolina Jabá (Geny Prado), their two sons, their daughter and their Spanish friend are mistaken as being "cangaceiros" (bandits from the Northeastern of Brazil). They help the police to arrest the outlaws, but Bernardino Jabá misses and is considered dead. When he returns to the small village one year later, the locals believe that it is his soul indeed.

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Movie Score



January 3, 1964,


Glauco Mirko Laurelli

Film Series

Mazzaropi Movies


Amacio Mazzaropi, Geny Prado, Manoel Vieira, Zilda Cardoso, Astrogildo Filho, Anamaria Guimarães




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